On 18 10th we plan to make KIN Festival for two hours starting at 17:00. Feast of KIN follows our previous projects, which we created the month of April 2013 together, we established a studio in the factory KIN Koh-i-noor. Mainly it was a performance CIRCLE KIN - THE TRICOLOR, then VISITING OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IN THE FACTORY Koh-i-noor, we can see contemporary situation of the company. Feast meeting for us situations to attention the public to the still functioning factory Koh-i-noor.
Marie Vránová / Ateliér KIN / art project / open space
Ateliér KIN představuje umělecký projekt /prostor /otevřený systém, který uplatňuje participativní postupy a pohybuje se ve více vrstvách provozu umění.
Ateliér KIN vznikl původně jako společná iniciativa dvojice Evy Pejchalové a Marie Vránové v prostorách továrny Koh-i-noor a.s. v roce 2013. Od dubna 2015 proběhl projekt restrukturalizací a figuruje v něm jen Marie Vránová, která vyzývá ke spolupráci osoby nejen z umělecké sféry.
Ateliér KIN sídlí v prostorách továrny Koh-i-noor, Vršovická 51, Praha 10.
Atelier KIN is art project / space / open system that applied participative methods and moves in multiple layers of operation arts.
Ateliér KIN was originally created as a joint initiative pair of Eva Pejchalová a Marie Vránová the space of factory Koh-i-noor as in 2013. The project was carried out restructuring from April 2015. Is currently KIN Studio a project Marie Vránová, which calls for the cooperation of the person, not only in the arts field.
Atelier KIN is based in factory Koh-i-noor, Vršovická 51, Prague 10.
contact: atelierkin@gmail.com
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
On 18 10th we plan to make KIN Festival for two hours starting at 17:00. Feast of KIN follows our previous projects, which we created the month of April 2013 together, we established a studio in the factory KIN Koh-i-noor. Mainly it was a performance CIRCLE KIN - THE TRICOLOR, then VISITING OF THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IN THE FACTORY Koh-i-noor, we can see contemporary situation of the company. Feast meeting for us situations to attention the public to the still functioning factory Koh-i-noor.
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